Choose from a range of nutritious microgreens. Or learn to grow them.

Growing microgreens isn’t just our business. It’s our commitment to heal the mankind and the planet. That’s why, while growing microgreens and wheatgrass, we always make sure that all the practices and procedures that we follow are in absolute sync with nature. 

100% Organic

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Live & Fresh

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Chemical/Pesticide Free

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Untreated Seeds & Soil

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Zero Plastic

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Strictly Seasonal

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Natural Environment

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Door-step Delivery

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100% Organic

Our microgreens are as pure as they can get. Because we believe that if microgreens can be 40 times more nutritious, they can also be just as much toxic if the supplies used for growing them are contaminated.

Live & Fresh

We don’t harvest the microgreens. We deliver them live and fresh, for you to experience nature and maximum health benefits. 

Chemical/Pesticide Free

Nothing that’s even a tad bit harmful for our bodies and the planet goes into our microgreens.

Untreated Seeds & Soil

We only use the purest seeds and soil to bring out the best in our microgreens.

Zero Plastic

Our microgreens are grown and delivered in eco-friendly, biodegradable medium. That’s a lot lesser load on the planet and our health too.

Strictly Seasonal

We only grow microgreens that are meant to be grown and consumed in a particular season.

Natural Environment

We do not use anything artificial for growing our microgreens. Our microgreens love bright sun and clean air.

Door-step Delivery

Our fresh, live and organic microgreens are delivered across Delhi NCR.

Live Microgreens


- Strengthens immune system
- Fights and prevents cancers
- Fights harmful effects of air-pollution
- Improves gut health


- Controls cholesterol level
- Fights anemia
- Protects lungs
- Detoxifies the body


- Fights and prevents cancer
- Effective against common cold
- Prevents anemia
- Reduces macular degeneration &


- Keeps the bones strong and healthy
- Improves vision
- Makes hair lustrous and healthy


- Builds immunity
- Prevents & fights cancer
- Enhances athletic performance


- Fights and prevents cancer
- Alkalizes body
- Builds immunity



- Fights congestion
- Keeps the bones strong and healthy
- Fights depression



- Good for your gut
- Reduces inflammation
- Promotes general good health



- Improves vision
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Anti-aging



- Boosts Immunity
- Reduces the risk of gastric ulcers
- Boosts stamina
- Makes skin smooth, radiant & ageless



- Treats hormonal imbalances
- Boosts bone mineral density
- Improves brain health



- Fights and prevents cancer
- Maintains healthy cardiovascular system
- Helps in weight loss


- Fights and prevents cancer
- Improves nerve and muscle functions
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Fights harmful free radicals



- Builds immunity
- Strengthens bones
- Reduces menstrual discomfort



- Prevents the occurrence of diabetes
- Prevents premature aging
- Prevents anemia

swiss chard

- Improves vision
- Improves brain function
- Improves digestion



- Fights and prevents cancer
- Improves nerve function
- Protects liver
- Boosts immunity

Live Wheatgrass

Nature’s most effective healer, Wheatgrass contains most of the minerals that are known to mankind. A shot of wheatgrass juice everyday –

  • Neutralizes toxins in the body
  • Fights and prevents cancer
  • Purifies the liver
  • Controls blood sugar
  • Repairs cellular damage
  • Slows down the ageing process


While we grow and deliver the freshest microgreens and wheatgrass, we’re also more than willing to get you started on your own journey of growing microgreens. Whether it is an individual, group or a corporate, we conduct online and in-person workshops for people of all ages.

Currently, we are offering two different types of workshops.

  1. Grow your Microgreens 
  2. Grow your Wheatgrass

While we grow and deliver the freshest microgreens and wheatgrass, we’re also more than willing to get you started on your own journey of growing microgreens. Whether it is an individual, group or a corporate, we conduct online and in-person workshops for people of all ages.

Currently, we are offering two different types of workshops.

  1. Grow your Microgreens 
  2. Grow your Wheatgrass